
Empowering Women's Health


The Law Commission of India filed the 228th report on Assisted Reproductive Technology processes discussing the significance and demand for surrogacy, and also the actions taken to restrain surrogacy arrangements.

The subsequent observations Was produced by the Law Commission:-

Surrogacy arrangement will continue to be dominated by contract amongst parties, that will contain all the terms requiring permission of surrogate mother to bear kid, agreement of her husband and other family members for the same, medical procedures of artificial insemination, reimbursement of reasonable expenses for taking child to full term, willingness to hand over the child born to the commissioning parent(s), etc.. But such an arrangement shouldn't be for business purposes.

A surrogacy arrangement must provide for financial support for kid in the event of death of the commissioning couple or individual before delivery of their child, or divorce between the intended parents and following willingness of none to accept delivery of their child.

A surrogacy contract should always take care of life insurance cover for surrogate mother.

One of the intended parents ought to be a donor too, because the bond of love and affection with a child mainly emanates from biological connection. Additionally, the chances of various kinds of child-abuse, that have been detected in cases of adoptions, will probably be reduced. In the event the planned parent is single, they ought to be a donor to be able to have a surrogate child. Otherwise, adoption is the way to have a kid that's payable to whether biological (natural) parents and adoptive parents are far distinct.

Legislation itself must recognize a surrogate child to be the legitimate child of the commissioning parent(s) without there being any requirement for adoption or even declaration of protector.

The birth certificate of this surrogate child should include the title (s) of the commissioning parent(s) only.

Right to privacy of the donor in addition to the surrogate mother ought to be guarded. Sex-selective surrogacy ought to be prohibited.